Wednesday, June 17, 2009

LOL...and so forth

You want to hear something funny? The other day I was taking a shower and I was so tired and out of it that I totally started putting shampoo on my face rather than my hair. Luckily I realized it before I got to close to my eyes, but it was rather funny. Last night I got stuff accomplished--yay! I have almost everything off my old computer, which is good. I kind of need more electronic storage space though so I can get the rest of it off. Then I am going to take it to DI, along with my old printer which needs work to be in working condition. I'm keeping my scanner though...totally keeping my scanner. I'd love to get it set up and scan things, but I don't have memory space yet or physical space either, but once I get rid of my old computer I should have both. Being at home I'm going to miss having access to InDesign and Photoshop. There is still a lot I'd like to learn about those programs, too, especially photoshop.

Today I went to the eye doctor...finally. It cost me a bunch of money, but soon I'll have nice new glasses--yay! It will be so nice to see clearly after four months of semi-bluriness. They have some really cool machines at the eye doctor's. They have this one that estimates your prescription and another one that measures the distance between your pupils and then, of course, the one that takes a picture of your eyes. Amazingness! I've also got a bit of cooking done in the last week or so. I need to keep it up as best I can 'cause I need to work on eating the food I have rather than buying more food. This way I will save money, which is definitely something I need to work on as much as possible.

I need to learn more about medicaid since that is really what I need to go on come fall. I have already spent like $2,000 in medical expenses this year...excluding paying for health insurance. It's a lot of money and it adds up. Also, I looked at my other options (which are limited) and they are completely unreasonable. I would be spending hundreds of dollars of month on top of the $200 monthly premium. There is just no way I can afford to pay that kind of money. Which is part of the reason I'm moving home...hopefully to recuperate. I figure I'll probably be there like 8 months or so. I'm planning to leave Utah on August 19--only two months away. I've got a lot to do between now and then. At some point I'm probably going to have to start asking people for help--difficult as that is.

I still need to write that blog on faeries. I will do it...eventually. It might not happen until I get out to Virginia, but it will happen. Well, I'm getting kind of hungry, so I better go get something to eat, especially since I have to be at work in less than an hour.

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